Water Cooler Talk: Unique Culture at Our Global Marketing Agency

The Culture of Big Impact at BorderX

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June 14, 2024


A recent recipient of exciting honors like the World Brand Design Society Awards and Muse Awards, BorderX has been making waves in the branding and marketing space as the global-native digital agency to look out for.

But the driving factor behind these tangible results has always been the people and culture. Team synergy has been at the root of it all, driving good teamwork and a brighter office everyday.

Here’s the well-kept secret of how our global marketing agency has been able to create big impact. We ask our valuable members about the team, our collaborative processes, and the special BorderX factors amounting to big chemistry.

The BorderX DNA

Please introduce your team.

🍀 The AE Team trusts and challenges each other. Each and every one of my co-workers helps bring out my strengths to work a little better. We accept that none of us are perfect, so my team members also support me in my areas of improvement.

🎨 The Creative Team brings unique individual abilities to create big synergy together. It’s a warm team that encourages each other, helping improve upon weaknesses and hyping up each others’ strengths as well.

📈 Since I've been part of both Creative and AE team, I will introduce them both. AE Team — A team where everybody is an expert on client communication, strategy and marketing. The Account Executive team interacts with the client and crafts the best marketing strategy to make client's ideas, expectations and requests come true. Creative Team — A solid, trustable team in which every member works to make ideas concrete, with on-point graphics and trendy copy, always adapted to the target, tone of voice, and market of the brand.

🌳 The People and Mgmt (P&M) Team all possess different perspectives but everyone has the desire to create a better company together. It’s the ideal team in which we’re all different but work hard to come together around one ultimate goal. We take our company one step closer to greatness by creating synergies based on each other’s strengths.

🖋️ We're a dynamic and multi-faceted group whose greatest strength is collaboration. Creative Team breathes color into the ideas that BorderX has to offer.

☀️ As collaboration is an important part of a marketing agency, each member has a big influence on the atmosphere and performance of the company. I’m grateful to work with the great people of the AE Team.

My Personal Path

Why did you choose this profession, and do you have any personal values and stories related to the job?

🎥 After working as a online movie marketer and as an AE in a marketing agency, I’m now working as a global marketing AE at BorderX. The brands, companies, and products I worked for have changed a lot, but at the core, I’ve enjoyed unlocking potential. I continue in this path because I enjoy providing solutions and serving as a bridge between brands and people, culture and culture.

🎤 I think one of the main reasons I'm a Social Media Strategist now was because during my bachelor degree I started being interested in K-pop and their amazing concepts, marketing and contents behind the music: I started seeing how strategy could be integrated with music, entertainment, in a level I'd never seen before. I was studying Interior Design back then, but seeing that world opened my mind and I started wanting to focus on strategies, social media, and marketing because I was really fascinated by it - how everything is always connected.

🖌️ I think design is not just about expressing something well visually. It’s the role of the designer to read people’s emotions and to fulfill them. I’ve experienced numerous fields, but I really believe there’s nothing as appealing as this career. And at BorderX, I’m looking forward to expanding upon my skills through global work.

💬 The drive to create is my earliest memory, and language always offered a way for me to do just that. From my previous career to my current one, language has always been at the core. In my current job, I get to give blank-canvas brands a voice, and that's really powerful.

✨ In the past, I interned in the finance and education industry planning teams. Through those experiences, I learned the impact of corporate culture and personnel policy on people's motivation to work, and I changed my career path. I have the goal of creating a healthy organizational culture and a joyful atmosphere for work, even in difficult, competitive, or indifferent situations. I want to create a company where people can immerse themselves in work with twinkling eyes and pounding hearts, unleashing their capabilities.

📺 Since I was young, I liked ads and contents, and had a hobby of looking for ads. At the same time, I often thought, “I want to create that with my own two hands one day,” and this interest naturally led me to choose this job. I try to remind myself, “There are many people in the world who have better or more brilliant ideas than me. But if you try a little bit every day, learn and grow, you can become a more valuable AE.” So I work at being better every day. 🥰

My BorderX Growth Journey

What differences do you notice when comparing yourself before and after joining BorderX?

🎯 I feel my experience has more depth because I get to work in an open environment around diverse cultures. I always knew that the “why” was important, but I’m learning to ask “why” more often. It’s difficult to ask “why” about the parts taken for granted and plan from a new perspective, but it’s also really fun.

🎬 With freedom, comes responsibilities. Unlike when I first took the job, I now see myself taking more accountability, and trying to gauge progress and direction from the get go. I love this. I feel like I’m able to take initiative, not being dragged into a task.

📚 Before joining the company, I was only familiar with the practice of advertising execution. But with the sharing of insights and current status for all projects here, I’ve enhanced my understanding of various fields such as influencer, social media operation, PR, and filming production. In addition, I have a wider perspective through global market research. In my previous job, I had the status of being new and inexperienced hanging over my head, but BorderX saw this as an opportunity for growth. The leaders at BorderX provide a guide to grow together, and this culture allows me to feel secure and focus on working hard.

💪 I’ve been saying “I’ll try!” and “Thank you!” more often. I’ve been more agile in my thoughts and actions and I’m gaining more confidence! The stability and confidence comes from being able to challenge and grow how I want within the organization. It also comes from having wonderful team members who listen to my thoughts and trust in me.

❓ I have become more comfortable in asking questions because I am given the freedom to ask. In other workplaces, I would feel afraid, but here there are no stupid questions.

🌈 I’ve grown in my ability to understand differences and embrace diversity. I’m constantly thinking, “I guess what I think is not obvious or set,” and “We can think in so many directions in the same situation.” I also think I’ve tried to get away from familiarity, practicing how to get rid of pre-conceived notions in my head. I’m able to understand differences and take a step forward with regards to diversity through conversing with so many unique people.

A Few of My Favorite Things

What do you like about being at BorderX, and what do you think makes it special?

🌟 BorderX offers a comfortable environment where many different personalities fuse to create something beautiful. Our weaknesses are sure to be complemented by someone else's strengths, and vice versa.

⏰ I’m able to take care of myself through the staggered work hours and our work-from-home policy. 💪 As a result, I’m able to focus and concentrate on my work hours and work efficiently. Of course it sounded ideal starting out, but it’s nice to feel the difference in person.

🌎 Border X's biggest attraction are the people! It's a very global company because there are many people who have come to Korea from different countries. The company tries to understand and learn various cultures, making efforts to connect them to the company. If you prefer a free atmosphere, I recommend you join Border X as soon as possible! 👍🏻

🚩 If you have a logical “why,” you can challenge yourself in a variety of opportunities and roles to grow how you want to.

🚀 Anyone can challenge and suggest ideas at BorderX. Because of the lack of limits and boundaries, it leads to a safe environment for Borddies to challenge themselves, allowing for new inspiration and ideas.

🏝️ It was my first time experiencing winter vacation when I joined BorderX, and I was able to travel abroad for 9 days with my family during this period. It was really new and thrilling to be able to travel this long every year while working. I went to Chiang Mai last year, and I’m already thinking about where to go this time. 🤭

What was the most impactful experience or moment you've had at BorderX?

🎆 There is a strong mutual respect among teams. Beyond the AE Team's extreme competence, I don't think there is a place where Creative Team is this outstanding. It's so thrilling when I see sparks between the AE Team who understands creativity, and the Creative Team who understands planning. And... since joining BorderX, everyone around me has said, "You look like you’re having so much fun!”

🏆 When we won the K Design Award for our rebranding project and I got to experience the gala dinner to celebrate our win! 🏆🏆🏆

👏 What influences me the most is the impact of people. I think of the sense of accomplishment we shared when we successfully completed the project or overcame difficult issues together, and the hearts that supported each other in the process. Work and company impact seem to spark in moments when our individual achievements come together, eventually leading to external interest and recognition from clients and partners.

📜 I was at a loss the first time I wrote a Korean proposal at Border X, but I trusted and relied on the leadership of my colleagues. When the brand finally chose to go with us, that feeling is hard to put into words! 😆

🧩 Whenever a new team member joined, I always noticed the impact of the synergy between their own strengths and special experiences, and BorderX. Seeing the seniors work on proposals, planning, and leading strategies, it also helped me envision being such a leader myself.

❤️‍🔥 I was deeply moved by the curiosity and kindness toward our company members. In the end, it is the people who lead the company, and I'm always torn about what I can do for them. I have seen many places where people say they are global, but I’ve never truly experienced a place where such good energy is exchanged.

Impact is achieved through the people at BorderX, so much so that it’s named “Impact” as one of the values when we rebranded last year. Through the rebrand and through the culture we create everyday, the efforts have been constant. With such initiatives as various task forces (TFs), and constant reassessment of our team goals, we’re drawing up a picture of the future we want together. At the heart, it’s always been the synergy of our vibrant team, made up of members with diverse experiences and backgrounds.

To join in our journey of global impact, check out our open positions here.

Go big. Go borderless.

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