Gaming Device

Widening the Reach for Haptic Technology


Unlocking potential audiences through Google and Facebook

U.S. · Google, Facebook


bHaptics is a tech company that helps connect VR gaming to tactile experiences through haptic equipment. With no previous experience in paid marketing, bHaptics looked to market with BorderX in hopes of reaching more VR gamers. Raising brand awareness was key to differentiating from similar companies in the gaming industry and eventually engaging new customers in the U.S.

What we did

As bHaptics’ main objective was brand awareness, our task was to determine the best paid marketing platforms to achieve this goal. While bHaptics boasted a high-end product with unique value props, brand awareness was lower compared to other competitors. As a result, we operated Google Display Campaigns to successfully reach VR users and interested customers through Google and Facebook. With this move, we saw the website’s potential customer visits rise notably in about a month. Using the website visitors data obtained through the Display Campaigns, we also achieved 10x higher ROAS than as usual on Black Friday, converting direct purchases from potential customers in the consideration stage.

In extending bHaptics’ reach further, we studied customer data collected through bHaptics platform activities such as YouTube, Twitter, Reddit, Facebook, Instagram, and more. BorderX also looked to select a platform that could achieve maximum efficiency at minimum cost considering bHaptics's main customer features and related categories. After preliminary market research and competitor analysis, Google and Facebook were selected. Additionally, Google Keywords campaigns were carried out in maximizing the exposure of bHaptics products to competitors’ customers by utilizing competitors’ related keywords.

Using creatives centered around a cohesive brand image, the ads featured game play videos and compatibility information along with bHaptics products. Moreover, agile responses to creative feedback and customer reactions allowed BorderX to make necessary improvements and thereby a higher click through rate with lower costs per click. Through careful customer analysis and flexibility, BorderX achieved increased engagement and a boost in brand awareness among the gaming community.


After 5 months of running the campaign:

increase in new users on the bHaptics website
increase in customer engagement
increase in total revenue‍